Darren Streets

One of my best friends. He’s a mechanic like me, been in it almost as long as I have. He’s cut his teeth on automotive for the past 10 years or so and the kid knows his shit. If you’re in the Savannah, GA area, check out his shop for somebody you can trust to get your car up to snuff and ready for anything.


Courtney & Matt Butler

Courtney and Matt have been friends of mine for a while. I met them and immediately felt like I’d known them forever. They have a baller bakery that makes delicious sweets and treats. I’ve had a pile of them and they’ve all been outstanding. Check them out for whatever your event needs at their shop, Imaginary Cakes in Wilmington, NC.


Zach Miner

He’s been the man at the door for a lot of the places I drink at. Talking to him and frequenting these establishments made me realize this guy is awesome. The man is a fantastic street artist, always up for a great conversation, and cuts hair with the best of them. He’s a barber, so go give him a follow on Instagram to see them fresh as fuck cuts. Keep an eye out for him when you’re downtown and keeps your eyes peeled on the walls around you. Never know when or where he might get up.